Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mosquito born diseases...

There are two down here....malaria and dengue fever. I have been bit by LOTS of mosquitoes and apparently 2 weeks ago one was carrying Dengue. Dengue starts with a sudden high fever, full body pain especially in your joints, and immense pain behind your eyes. It's called the dengue triad which is then followed by a rash (for me that was day 8). Fun. The pain would come and go with the Tylenol I had to pop every 4 hours and the fever would spike whenever it wanted leaving me shivering and sweating. Sometimes I was lucky enough to be to shivering and sweating at the same time. Very fun. I think I like shivering more because you can put on more blankets. When you are sweating, you can only strip off so many layers before you are just lying in your sweat. Gross. The tile floor is surprisingly quite cool which is where I would sit while talking to my mom on skype. No matter how old I get or how loving and caring Kyle is…when I’m sick, I just want to call my mom. Preferably, go to her house, watch Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe, let her make me potato soup, lay on her couch, and have her ask if I’m ok every 30 minutes. Kyle’s like that too, he just wants to call his mom. There’s just something about moms. You ladies are the best!! Thanks for being so loving and caring and mom-like. We appreciated it when we were young living in your house, and we miss it now that we’re old.

Thanks to everyone that prayed for me to get better fast and thanks to Victoria my nurse friend for talking me through whether or not to get a shot. Always choose no shot...or at least that's my motto.

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