Thursday, April 5, 2012

Clases de Englés

We are continuing to teach English to 3, 4, and 5 year olds at a school nearby. The first few classes were tough, but thanks to Heather, my mom, and Denton, they are getting better each time. Each day I feel more confident that I will be able to leave the teachers with some strategies and lessons that will be successful. I've been writing the lesson and Kyle has done the majority of the teaching. He is doing such a great job with these little ones. They respond so well to his requests to, "Mas alto!" (Louder). They are so cute saying it as loud as possible to please him. And the smiles on their faces when he high fives them is priceless. Here are some more pics and videos for you.

Kyle taught, "Head and shoulders knees and toes..." (only we did head, arms, legs and feet) and had them color a face with their, "Eyes and ears and mouth and nose."

The 3 year olds also learned the song only a little mumbled. Suddenly, the ring leader (the little boy on the left looking at the camera) decides he wants to lay on the floor and kick his feet. Within seconds, they are all on the floor kicking their feet. Kyle looks at me as if to say, "help". I shrug my shoulders and we both laugh.


  1. I think I figured out part of why I like yall's plans:
    You're living life to the fullest. It is nothing short of inspiring.
    Thank you.

  2. Denton always seems to say things better than what I'm thinking...that sounded weird. Like, I feel the same way, but my words aren't as good, haha! Thank you Denton for puting awesome words to how we feel most of the time :)
