Sunday, March 15, 2009

Do you like green eggs and ham???

My 3rd and 4th graders have worked so hard the last 5 weeks to perform a Dr. Seuss Musical in honor of 'I Love to Read' month.  We have studied Dr. Seuss' writing and illustrations in class and learned songs and movements in music class.  Our art teacher is a genius and guided the kids through the wonderful world of paper mache.  Each student made their own Dr. Seuss hat from lots of newspaper, glue, and an amazing imagination.  It was fun, but we had a few stressful moments.  Some hats shrunk and had to be cut and re-mached.  Some hats took forever to dry because of no sun.  We even had a monkey eat a hole through a hat.  Darn monkeys.  However, in the end they were finished just in time to be shown off to the school, teachers, family, and friends.  Enjoy the pictures and video!!!


  1. Do you like green eggs and ham?
    I do not like them Sam I am.
    Would you eat them on a PITA?
    I would eat them with Katrina!

    Great job sister...I love you! good job kids!!

  2. I would eat them on a pita.
    I would eat them with my feet-a.

    Monkeys are so mischevious!

  3. ok you know I LOVE this!! You are so creative!
