Monday, July 14, 2008

We're here!!

We made it!!! 56 hours later we made it to Kodaikanal.  Our house is perfect...well almost perfect.  Our showers make the entire bathroom wet, the toilets leak, and the power goes out on average all the time. But, it's perfect.  We love it. We cannot wait until our shipment comes so we can finish decorating and really settle in.  So far we have met a few new staff that we have connected very well with.   There are people here from all over the world!  I think there's about 40 or so nationalities represented between the staff and students.
Right now, we're going to lots of meetings, learning about our new responsibilities and trying to get over jet lag.  Lynea will be teaching grades 3 and 4 (they're combined) and I will be taking over the foreign ex
change program at the school as well as teaching a few middle school RE (religious education) courses.  It might not sound overwhelming, but I assure you it is!
Altogether, though, things are turning out quite nice and we are excited to see what God has planned for this season of our lives.
Uh oh.  I just got a call informing me that I do in fact need antibiotics!  Indian food is good to the taste but extremely hard on the stomach and I'm already having my fair share of aches.  Pray for us to get well soon, since Lynea is in bed not feeling well either.
Anyway, that's it for now.  We love ya.
Kyle and Lynea


  1. Praying for you guys. I'll see if I can FedEx some McDonald's over. :-)

  2. glad u two made it safe. get plenty of rest. jet lag tends to last some time.

  3. I am so glad you guys are doing this blog thing. creative. i am also so excited to continue to see and hear what God is doing through you guys and the fun experiences you will having. your pictures make me so happy! i wish i were there. really. i would love to come see you guys and plan a mission type thing. would that be possible? for now, i will let you guys settle in! take pictures of your house! love and miss you. nikki.

  4. hey guys!!!! its so good to hear how everything is going!! it makes me so happy to picture you guys over there doing all the crazy things ur doing!! i hope you are feeling better though and getting rest! and neea i hope you've been able to keep those monkeys away from your special underwear! lol
