Monday, June 27, 2016

Collecting nature and avoiding gators

Many years ago, my older brother Doc started taking me on "brother/sister dates" for my birthday. This was always a highlight for me. It made me feel special, loved, and I got to soak up wisdom from him. He would pack dinner and drive me to Mentor Headlands (a beach on Lake Erie) where we would watch the sun set and chat. Dinner was always Chinese food or home made stir fry. After the sun went down, we would go home to make a peanut butter milkshake. I looked forward to these dates every year. 

While in Florida last week, I babysat the boys so Kyle and Kenna could go on a brother/sister date. The boys and I immediately drove to the boardwalk on Lake Dora where we went on a nature walk to explore. Apollo kept saying over and over, "We're collecting nature." As he would fine a rock, piece of sand, green balls that came from the pine trees, and sticks, we would put them in out nature bag. We determined that live things should not go home with us like the mini frogs or lizards we found. 

Apollo found a 6 foot long palm branch that was clearly going with us on the walk. We chose to start our exploration on a short path though the woods that leads to the water. 

I felt ok about this situation: lots of people around, still day light, we were a good 10 feet from the water. Then the splash happened. Judah screamed and ran, Apollo screamed, I screamed. I grabbed Apollo's hand and yelled, "Drop the branch!!" Did we see a gator? No. Did we hear a big rustle and splash? Yes. A splash so big and loud that it sounded like something the size of Judah fell in. Judah's big. Like too big to be a salamander, or turtle, or fish. We'll never know, but I do know that those boys can follow directions and run fast!!! 

We continued on the board walk for the remainder of the evening looking at birds, fish, turtles, and of course looking for the "gator." They kept asking if we could go back to the forest. I kept saying, "No because I don't know gator protocol."


They are stronger than they look. Lots of boy power in this room!